Interested in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and cyber-security? Want to learn how to creatively solve complex problems, create sophisticated computing systems from scratch and understand complex algorithms? 


  • You want to move into leadership positions developing complex computer systems for applications in artificial intelligence, 网络安全, 电脑游戏, embedded computer systems, business systems or novel mobile robotic systems.
  • You will have multiple labs in Cybersecurity, Computer Operating Systems, Virtual Reality and Gaming.
  • Our faculty are active in research involving artificial intelligence, 机器学习, image and video processing, wireless sensor networks, 分布式计算, virtual and augmented computer graphics, 网络安全 and connected and autonomous vehicles.









  • Java (Programming Language)
  • 软件开发
  • 软件工程
  • SQL (Programming Language)
  • JavaScript (Programming Language)
  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML)



Companies in bold also are current 合作社 employers with 正规的赌博app.

  • Auto-Owners保险
  • 通用汽车(General Motors)
  • Plex Systems, Inc.
  • 亚马逊.com公司.
  • 福特汽车(Ford Motor)

Source: Emsi- economicmodeling.com和U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard

Bachelor of Science degree in 计算机科学 is structured to support in-depth study of areas in and outside the computing field. Students graduate with a solid foundation in computer software, hardware and theory.

This degree provides a wide variety of exciting professional and academic opportunities, including artificial intelligence, 软件工程, internet systems and technology, 网络安全, 信息系统, 生物技术, 商业和咨询. 另外, the degree provides a great foundation for future graduate work in a variety of fields.

的 Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that job prospects are solid for each profession, particularly software developers, which are expected to increase 22 percent in the coming decade. This profession’s median salary is nearly $110,000.

的 10-course program includes computing algorithms, 软件工程, 云计算, advanced programming languages, and electives in artificial intelligence, 数据科学, 网络安全, 电脑游戏 and virtual reality.

Your hands-on will be in modern lab facilities for computer security, virtual reality and computer operating systems. 另外, nearly every course has a team project component to provide students extensive real-world experiences.

Our program will prepare you for a career in any industry in which you have an interest in working. 的 计算机科学 program is accredited by the Computing 认证 Commission (CAC) of ABET, http:// www.教唆.org.